What do our morning worship services look like?
We begin our service by standing together for a time of singing for approximately 10 minutes. This is followed by announcements regarding ministry opportunities and church-related business. Another 10 minutes of worship in singing precedes our pastor coming to share God’s Word.
What is the time frame for our morning worship service?
We have 2 services that begin at 9 & 11:00 AM.
What is our style of worship?
Immanuel’s time of worship is a mixture of traditional hymns as well as contemporary worship songs. Our music is led by praise team members and accompanied by various instruments including brass, piano, organ, drums, electric and bass guitars.
What is the typical attire at our service?
Typical attire varies greatly from suits and dresses to casual wear, including jeans.
What is expected during our time of offering?
Part of our time of worship is an opportunity to worship through our giving. At Immanuel, there is a box provided in the Narthex where our church family can place their offering. Visitors are not expected nor pressured in any way to give. This is a way for our church family to give to sustain the workings and ministries of our local fellowship, as well as the missionaries we support abroad.
Is childcare available during our service?
Immanuel offers childcare in the form of our Greenhouse Kids program from birth through 4th grade. The departments are well-staffed and divided as follows:
- Nursery – Birth – 2 years old
- Seedlings – 2 & 3 year olds
- Sprouts – 4 & 5 years old/Kindergarten
- Saplings – 1st through 4th grade – This group begins the service sitting together in a designated section of the church. They participate in worship and are then led to their classroom before the message begins.