Sermons on 2 Samuel

Sermons on 2 Samuel

Where’s Wottle?

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 2 Samuel 10:6-19. “There are those that think God has fallen behind. There are those who think that God is irrelevant and that He is out of the race. There are those that think God only matters to religious people and that in the big picture God is not a realistic contender. But I want to assure you to keep your eyes on God. Not only does He win the race, but the entire…

David knew “Who’s-ville” he lived in

Pastor Vince starts a new series in the book of 2 Samuel. His points are: the treatment of David – the time for David – the testimony of David. “We don’t have to be held in bondage to how we have been treated. If we let God’s treatment of us set us free from other people’s treatment of us, we can live like David.”