CANCELLED Men’s Bible Study
There will be no Men’s Bible Study this week.
Richard Johnson Memorial Service
Memorial service for Richard Johnson (brother of Carol Whiteman).
Seamless Women’s Bible Study
There is a seamless thread woven through every story in the Bible–a thread that connects its people, places, and promises in a whole new way. Ready to replace insecurity that holds you back and move forward with clarity and confidence in your understanding of Scripture? JOIN US for Seamless, a 7-session Bible study by Angie Smith. There is a book that goes along with this study. It is not necessary, but is recommended. The cost of the book is $17…
Lost & Found Bible Study
Lost & Found is a group for post high school age adults. We meet Sunday nights from 5-7 for Bible study or social activities. Our group’s goal is to draw closer in fellowship to the Lord and develop lasting friendships with each other. See the online calendar or Facebook for details. Lost & Found Facebook Page We are currently studying the book of Hebrews. Contact: Lisa Wadas
Free coffee ~ Free Desserts ~ Free Music ~ Trivia. Coffeehouse is for adults 18 and over. A nursery is provided. Come, enjoy, invite a friend. Contact: Erika Ellerson Location: Fellowship Hall
Safety Seminar
Click the link above to register. Global Peace Foundation (GPF) is partnering with local law enforcement agencies including the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office, first responders, community, and faith-based organizations to train and prevent targeted violence in New Jersey. This free training is funded by the United States Department of Homeland Security and is a part of a comprehensive approach including community engagement and an in-depth look at the role of social media. This training has been developed in partnership with…
Free coffee ~ Free Desserts ~ Free Music ~ Trivia. Coffeehouse is for adults 18 and over. A nursery is provided. Come, enjoy, invite a friend. Contact: Erika Ellerson Location: Fellowship Hall
All Events Cancelled
All events scheduled for Wednesday, February 20 are cancelled due to weather.
Feb 17, 2019
Lost & Found Bible Study
Lost & Found is a group for post high school age adults. We meet Sunday nights from 5-7 for Bible study or social activities. Our group’s goal is to draw closer in fellowship to the Lord and develop lasting friendships with each other. See the online calendar or Facebook for details. Lost & Found Facebook Page We are currently studying the book of Hebrews. Contact: Lisa Wadas
O.W.L.S. (Older Wiser Loving Seniors)
Join us for our Valentine Party. If you would be willing to make a pot of soup, please see Nancy McDonald. Our Older, Wiser, Loving Seniors (ages 55 and over) meet bi-monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM for singing, warm fellowship and special speakers. We also enjoy day trips to interesting locations throughout the area, as the weather permits.
Seamless Women’s Bible Study
Seamless Women’s Bible Study is cancelled for tonight due to the weather. We hope to see you all next Monday. There is a seamless thread woven through every story in the Bible–a thread that connects its people, places, and promises in a whole new way. Ready to replace insecurity that holds you back and move forward with clarity and confidence in your understanding of Scripture? JOIN US for Seamless, a 7-session Bible study by Angie Smith. There is a book…
Lost & Found Game & Gum Night
We are going to be playing games and chewing a lot of different kinds of bubble gum. A prize for the person who blows the biggest bubble!
Free coffee ~ Free Desserts ~ Free Music ~ Trivia. Coffeehouse is for adults 18 and over. A nursery is provided. Come, enjoy, invite a friend. Contact: Erika Ellerson
We are planning a baptism for January 13th, during the evening service. If you’ve placed your faith in Jesus Christ, and desire to be baptized, please fill out the Communicate With Us portion of the bulletin and place in the offering plate.
Lost & Found Bible Study
Come for Fellowship and a great study of Hebrews. Lost & Found is a group for post high school age adults. We meet Sunday nights from 5-7 for Bible study or social activities. Our group’s goal is to draw closer in fellowship to the Lord and develop lasting friendships with each other. Lost & Found Facebook Page Contact: Lisa Wadas
Dec 26, 2018
No Church Events Today
Enjoy time with your family.
Dec 23, 2018
No Evening Worship Service
Enjoy time with your family.
Lost & Found Bible Study
Come for Fellowship and a great study of Hebrews. Lost & Found is a group for post high school age adults. We meet Sunday nights from 5-7 for Bible study or social activities. Our group’s goal is to draw closer in fellowship to the Lord and develop lasting friendships with each other. Lost & Found Facebook Page Contact: Lisa Wadas
Young Married Couples Christmas Party
Details to follow.