April 4, 2021 “Easter Eyes”
Easter Service 2021
Is Your Song a “Hope So” or a “Know So”?
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 15 but also speaks of Palm Sunday as he makes a side by side comparison between the two crowds. He also points out a contrast between them. “Pray for the Holy Spirit to increase your faith to move from a ‘hope so’ faith to a ‘know so’ faith.”
What’s in Your Trunk?
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 14:14-20.
“The Song That Changes the Scene”
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 14 and shares how this chapter is similar to a spring weather tease in the midst of a harsh winter. “There is a song that Christians can sing that can change the scene. We have the ability to change the scene from panic to praise; from discouragement to encouragement; from fear to peace…What can change any scene? The power of the song of the gospel…If we focus on Jesus’ truth that He has…
There is Treasure in the Trial
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 13 by starting out in Matthew 13 and reminds us that what we have in the kingdom of God is so much greater than the treasures this Earth offers. “What is it that my heart is seeking above all else as I journey the fields of this world? There is a temptation when one studies the book of Revelation to get all wrapped up as if the most important thing is to figure…
Puff the Counterfeit Dragon
Pastor Vince continues his study in Revelation 13 where Satan is working hard to deceive everyone on Earth to believe in his counterfeit kingdom. “Perhaps we have all asked ourselves if we would be willing to die for Christ. Yet, an even bigger question is are we willing to live daily for Christ so that people can see displayed in our life that there is a real kingdom of God.”
When We Are Passing Prayers Instead of Popcorn
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 12 and begins by sharing how different movies can impact us in different ways. Some stay with us after we leave the theatre. As we study these specific events in Revelation and leave the “theatre”, we can understand how these verses can be applied to our lives today. “God never abandons us when we are in a battle.”
Be HIS Valentine
Pastor Vince takes a break from his teaching in Revelation to talk about God’s love for us. “If you are looking for love, here is the most amazing love story. There is Someone out there Who truly loves you and His valentine offer is not to take some of your worth for Himself, but it’s to take some of His worth and give it to you…forever. Our greatest need is to be His Valentine.”
You Are in the Cast
As Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 12, he asks us if we are ready for the battle that is described. We are part of the cast in that production right now. “The important scene in Revelation 12 is not to be looking for Satan but to remember Who the Son is and what He is accomplishing for us – and He is leading us to victory.”
There’s No Risk With This Reality
Our study in Revelation continues this week. Pastor Vince sets up his message with sharing his struggle with having a good attitude with playing the board game Risk when he was younger. “In Revelation 11, we are going to read of the victorious declaration of God’s Kingdom. There is no chance that Satan will win, no matter what he tries. God’s kingdom is sure!” Knowing there is no risk to losing the kingdom of God can bring us eternal joy.
Ben-Hur + Braveheart x 10
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation and he has an interesting title to this sermon. He references these movies…and even Rocky at the end of this message…to help understand all the action that is awaiting our world as described in Revelation 11. “There is a whole lot of human activity that we are involved in but what I hope Revelation 11 shows us is that in the midst of it all, I hope it causes us to see that…
Digesting the Divine
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 10. “The angel instructs John to finish what he started. Chew it up, digest it, so that it will benefit you before you go to share it with other people. Pastor Vince then asks us if we have been chewing on God’s Word for years but have not swallowed it. “Digested truth provides for spiritual poise.”
The Hour is on the Clock
Pastor Vince continues his teaching in Revelation 9. He starts out by reading Revelation chapter 9, verse 15. It is a sobering verse.” There are days in life in this world where you may feel like, ‘WOW!’ This is a great day where the sun is shining, everything is great, all is well. When you are having that kind of day, Revelation 9:15 can not only seem so far away, it may also seem impossible. Then they’ll be days where…