Sermon Archive (Page 7)

Sermon Archive (Page 7)

Trust and Obey

Our missionaries from Portugal, Gary & Terri Camlin, visited us today and Gary taught from Joshua 1:1-9.

He Is

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel. “What is the most critical poll question for me regarding God? Perhaps it is: how confident am I in God’s ability? Through the example of Saul trying so hard to get his way in killing David, we see how God had His way. God is able. We can rest in the confidence that God will have His Way…and His will for us is best.

This King Saul is no Pete the Cat

Pastor Vince continues his teaching in 1 Samuel 18. How do we respond to moments in life? Pastor Vince is not talking about the major moments. He is talking about the daily moments. Every moment is an opportunity that God gives us to keep our hearts soft to Him and to surrender our response to Him. Or we can allow those moments to allow us to become a grumbler. Will you respond to these moments like Pete the Cat or…

How Do You Punctuate This Pause?

Pastor Vince teaches from Matthew 24:42-44. “Jesus Christ is coming again! May this truth settle upon us and may it also settle us.” His coming is sure. His coming will be sudden. His coming should settle us. His coming will not be the same for everyone.